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Simple Shop Hacks for Car Enthusiasts: Organization and DIY Repairs

by Chad Byrum on September 16, 2024

How to Keep Your Shop Organized and Efficient: A Day of Car Maintenance

Running a shop is all about balancing maintenance, organization, and smart spending. Whether it's getting the race bike ready, fixing the Subaru's timing belt, or reorganizing tools, efficiency is key. In this blog post, we'll cover how to tackle essential tasks, save time and money, and keep your workspace in top condition.

Key Takeaways

  • Smart organization: Reorganizing your workspace increases efficiency and makes repairs easier.
  • DIY repairs: You can save a lot of money by handling small fixes and maintenance yourself.
  • Maintaining your vehicle: Regular cleaning, waxing, and upkeep can extend the life of your truck or car.

Getting Organized: A Clean Workspace Matters

A well-organized shop is crucial for staying productive. The first task of the day was reorganizing the legend car area and addressing some lighting issues. Simple fixes, like running lights, can easily slip through the cracks but are essential for a smooth workflow.

Tip: Break tasks into smaller chunks, such as focusing on lighting one day and tool organization the next. This prevents feeling overwhelmed and ensures consistent progress.

Organizing also extends to the vehicle itself. We cleaned and scrubbed the truck inside and out, dealing with everything from black sap buildup to leather conditioning. Regular maintenance like this keeps the vehicle in good shape and prevents costly repairs down the line.

Cleaning and Maintenance for Longevity

Your vehicle's condition is a reflection of your shop's efficiency. In this case, we used a pressure washer and degreaser to clean hard-to-reach areas, like the back wheels.

Maintaining a vehicle isn't just about the engine—waxing and conditioning the leather interior can extend the life of the paint and upholstery.

Saying Goodbye to Sentimental Marks

One emotional moment in the day was cleaning the smudge marks left by my late dog, Lucas. It was tough wiping them away, but keeping the truck clean helps extend its life. Sentimental value aside, regular detailing ensures that your vehicle looks good and stays functional longer.

Tackling Repairs: Timing Belt, Power Cable, and More

With the organization and cleaning out of the way, it was time to move on to more complex repairs. One project involved saving a power cable, a small but important task.

Saving Money on Repairs

Instead of buying a new power cable, we replaced the damaged ends. This small fix saved us from having to purchase a new one, proving that sometimes it’s worth repairing instead of replacing.

For those unfamiliar with this trick: if a power cable is damaged but the rest of it is fine, simply replace the ends to keep it functional. It’s an easy, cost-effective solution.

Subaru Timing Belt Troubles

Unfortunately, not every fix goes smoothly. The timing belt for the Subaru turned out to be too small, which meant we couldn’t complete that project. But as always, it’s about progress, not perfection. Parts were ordered, and we’ll tackle the repair once the correct belt arrives.

Benefits of Having a Good Team

Having an extra set of hands makes everything easier. Jameson was a huge help throughout the day, from scrubbing the truck to installing a rear running light we had put off for months. Having someone motivated and skilled to work with speeds up progress significantly.

Tip: When you work with others, make sure they are just as invested in the project as you are. It makes a big difference.

One of the more satisfying tasks we completed together was mounting the tire racks. This simple project freed up a ton of space in the shop, making it easier to move around and work on other vehicles. Plus, it keeps everything more organized, which is always a win in a busy shop environment.

The Surprising Importance of Comfort in the Shop

One overlooked aspect of working long hours in a shop is personal comfort. When you’re spending full days working on vehicles, having a clean, functional bathroom makes a huge difference.

Installing a Bidet

While it may seem odd to mention, installing a bidet in the shop bathroom has been a game-changer for me. It’s a small investment that enhances comfort after long hours of hard work. Staying clean and comfortable helps me stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Improving Productivity Through Comfort

Whether it's fixing cars or reorganizing tools, being physically comfortable allows you to work longer and more effectively. As trivial as it might seem, these little details add up over time.


1. How often should I wax my truck?

Ideally, waxing your truck every 3-4 months helps protect the paint and keep it looking new. Regular waxing also prevents the buildup of dirt and grime.

2. Is it worth repairing old cables?

Yes! Repairing old cables by replacing damaged ends is a cost-effective solution, especially for high-quality cables that still have good conductivity.

3. How can I keep my workspace organized?

Start with small tasks like organizing tools and clearing clutter. Use racks and wall mounts to free up floor space and keep everything within easy reach.

4. What are the benefits of having a second person help in the shop?

Having a second person allows you to complete tasks faster, troubleshoot more effectively, and handle larger projects that may require two people.


Running a shop requires balancing multiple tasks, from cleaning and organization to repairs and maintenance. By focusing on these areas, you can keep your vehicles and your workspace in top condition without breaking the bank. Whether you're fixing up a truck or saving money by repairing old cables, the key is staying organized and efficient.

Remember to check out Midlife Classic Cars for vintage shop manuals and rare car books, and don’t forget to subscribe for more updates on car repairs, shop tips, and maintenance projects. We’ve got plenty more to come, including updates on the race car, Subaru repairs, and shop improvements.


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