A comprehensive manual covering everything you need to know about small engine repair and maintenance. Includes step-by-step instructions and hundreds of photos. All there is to know about Small Engine Repair for up to and including 5 HP engines: • Includes Briggs & Stratton, Honda, Sears Craftsman and Tecumseh • Maintenance • Repair • TroubleshootingBook Summary • Tools and equipment • Shop practices and safety • Troubleshooting • Tune-up and maintenance procedures • Carburetor adjustment and overhaul • Ignition system servicing • Recoil starter repairs • Repair and overhaul instructions • Comprehensive specsTable of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: Setting up shopChapter 2: General shop practicesChapter 3: TroubleshootingChapter 4: Tune-up and routine maintenanceChapter 5: Repair procedures common to all enginesChapter 6: Briggs & Stratton enginesChapter 7: Tecumseh/Craftsman enginesChapter 8: Honda engines
Author: NA
Author Bio: NA
ISBN: 9781850106661
Publisher: Haynes Manuals N. America, Inc.
Binding Type: Paperback
Illustrations: 696 Ill.
Language: NA
Pages: 318
Printing Status: In Print
Edition: NA
Country Made: NA