Clymer Honda XL/XR/TLR 125-200 1979-2003 repair manual is written
specifically for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. From basic maintenance
to troubleshooting to complete overhaul of your Honda XL/XR/TLR 125-200
1979-2003, Clymer manuals provide the information you need. The most
important tool in your tool box may be your Clymer manual, get one today.
XL125S (1979-1982, 1984-1985) XL185S (1979-1983) XL200R (1983-1984 XR185
(1979) XR200 (1980-1984) XR200R* (1981-1983, 1986-1988, 1990-2003)
TLR200 (1986-1987)
Author: NA
Author Bio: NA
ISBN: 9780892878635
Publisher: Haynes
Binding Type: Paperback
Language: NA
Pages: 368
Printing Status: In Print
Edition: NA
Country Made: NA