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  • SKU: 9780971645974
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Oldsmobile Engine Drive train and Suspension

€29,00 €35,00
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  • Barcode: 9780971645974
Oldsmobile had an image of a proud businessman decked out in his three-piece suit on his way to the offi ce. It was the scene that was modern day life in the late 1950s and early 1960s. But then something happened. The baby boomers were coming of age. They did not want their father’s Oldsmobile, they wanted style and power. In 1964 Oldsmobile answered the call, offering a special Police package called 442. It stood for 4-barrel, 4-speed and 2- (dual) exhaust. Oldsmobile took a heavy weighted punch at the GTO. The Lansing Kid could not knock the heavyweight champ out, but the 442 did make its mark in automotive history, as the classiest of all the muscle cars. For 1966 Oldsmobile further changed its image with the introduction of the fi rst mass produced front-wheel drive model-the Toronado. The classy model provided a great ride, with performance and the sexiest lines of the year, making way for more models to come. This was Oldsmobile and yes, this was your father’s Oldsmobile. Now step back in time and learn what parts from full-size Oldsmobile and other GM models will fit your 442 or Toronado, covering parts from engine to rear axle and the parts in between. Learn how to identify, inspect and purchase used Oldsmobile parts. Covers all 1964-72 F-85 models including Hurst/Olds, 442 and Vista Cruiser, plus the 1966- 1972 Toronado models.

Author: NA

Author Bio: NA

ISBN: 9780971645974

Publisher: PAH Publishing

Binding Type: NA

Language: NA

Pages: NA

Printing Status: In Print

Edition: NA

Country Made: NA