"Art Evans' relationship to Bill Devin is unique. From the time of the fifties, they were close friends as well as business associates. When Bill passed on in November 2000,...
Glory, scandal, downfall, fame, and rebirth—discover the dramatic story of the rebel auto industry titan behind the stainless-steel-bodied, gull-winged sports car we all know and love from Back to the...
Every Haynes manual is written specifically for the do-it-yourselfer from "hands-on" experience based on a vehicle teardown using commonly available tools. Step-by-step procedures are linked to hundreds of easy-to-follow photos...
Initially assembling its own complete vehicles, Henney mounted its premium-quality hearse and ambulance bodies on such diverse chassis as Essex, Ford, Lincoln, Pontiac, Pierce-Arrow, Oldsmobile, Velie—and at least one Austin....
American Station Wagons – The Golden Era 1950-1975 examines an important quarter century of this versatile vehicle, a time when it evolved into a practical, yet sometimes luxurious family transporter...
Stop! Don't buy a DeLorean DMC-12 without buying this book first! Packed with good advice from running costs, paperwork, vital statistics and valuation, to information on the DeLorean community, this...
Haynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents every step with thorough instructions and clear photos. Haynes repair manuals are used by the pros, but written for the do-it-yourselfer.