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  • SKU: B02922
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  • Date Of Publication: April 2005
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Mercedes-Benz 300Sl: Gullwings And Roadsters 1954-1964 (Ludvigsen Library)

  • Barcode: 9781583881378
In 1952 Mercedes-Benz astonished the racing world with the successes it achieved with its 300SL, exploiting an advanced space-type frame and aerodynamic body with gullwing doors. Already the subject of a Ludvigsen Library Series book, the racing 300SL inspired the creation of a production version, which first took flight in 1954. The 300SL stunned critics and experts alike with its fabulous performance?more than 150 miles per hour?exotic looks and superb build quality. Not just a pretty face, the 300SL was also extremely successful in competition on both sides of the Atlantic. The original coupe was followed by a roadster version in 1957; in all, 3,258 were made. Drawing on his unmatched archive of Mercedes-Benz photos, including coverage by Rudy Mailander and Edward Eves of the 300SL production line, Karl Ludvigsen presents the 300SL in all its glory. He also draws on his own experience as an owner of one of these great cars.

Author: Karl Ludvigsen

Author Bio: NA

ISBN: 9781583881378

Publisher: Ertel Publishing

Binding Type: Paperback

Illustrations: 126 b/w

Language: NA

Pages: 128

Printing Status: In Print

Edition: NA

Country Made: NA