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  • SKU: KIT9781882256464/B02160
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  • Condition: NEW

Coca-Cola 1930-1969 Book Set

$59.50 $73.90
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A history of the world's most recognized company in photos from the archives of The Coca-Cola Company. Here are nostalgic photos of billboards, signs, bottling trucks, store fronts, soda fountains, bottling plants and more. The years of the depression, World War II, the 1950s and the space age are all reflected in this impressive collection.

Coca-Cola products have been delivered to stores and soda fountains throughout the world in a variety of trucks, automobiles, and horse-drawn carts for decades now. Here is a dynamic collection of vintage black & white photographs of a variety of these vehicles specially selected from the archives of the Coca-Cola Company, including bottle trucks, promotional vehicles and route sales cars.

Author: NA

Author Bio: NA

Binding Type: NA

Language: English

Pages: NA

Printing Status: In Print

Edition: NA

Country Made: NA